This page contains links to various sources of funding available in rural areas. It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, and you may be able to find other sources of funding or support, for example via your local district council or a charity or business.

Businesses looking for funding should also visit the LLEP Business Gateway for information about business support and funding available:

Community Groups are also advised to visit the Leicestershire Communities Website:

An Alternative Funding document is also available which provides advice on grants and or funding for not for profit community based organisations and charities.

Funding for Rural Communities

  • SHIRE Community Grant

    The SHIRE Community Grant programme will enable voluntary and community sector organisations (including social enterprises and Town/Parish Councils) to deliver community-based projects, services and activities which directly benefit the most vulnerable people in Leicestershire.

    We are particularly interested in funding new and innovative projects that will:

    • support the most vulnerable individuals and communities in Leicestershire
    • provide early intervention and prevention based solutions
    • complement existing services already being delivered

Rural Development Programme Funding

Countryside Stewardship Scheme

Countryside Stewardship (CS) provides financial incentives for land managers to look after their environment through activities such as: conserving and restoring wildlife habitats; flood risk management; woodland creation and management; reducing widespread water pollution from agriculture; keeping the character of the countryside; preserving features important to the history of the rural landscape and; encouraging educational access.

This infographic provides some information about the scheme.

For more information, see the Rural Payments Agency Website -

Useful Information

Below are links to some local strategy and research documents which may help you in making an application.

Superfast Leicestershire

The Superfast Leicestershire programme is working to ensure that 97% of all homes and businesses have access to fibre broadband, delivering superfast speeds, by the latter part of 2018.

By March 2016 over 65,000 properties in 150 towns and villages have been enabled with superfast broadband with thanks to more than 200 miles of new fibre cable and over 300 roadside fibre cabinets.

In the current phase (Contract 2), another 15,000 county properties as well as 10,000 in Leicester City will be included in the programme. Over 97% of Leicester and Leicestershire can already access superfast broadband, if you are unsure whether your area is connected check on the Superfast Leicestershire page:

The next phase was approved in June 2017 and will bring quicker connection speeds to the remaining three per cent of Leicestershire homes and businesses – mainly in hard-to-reach rural areas which would otherwise be left behind on slow broadband speeds.